
Lauren’s professional background originates in mining, where she spent numerous years as a geologist. As part of her development, she acquired the qualifications of Six Sigma Lean Black Belt, here she found fulfillment in helping people to implement meaningful change to their roles, whilst also improving safety and efficiency.

Lauren has since moved into Business improvement roles within multiple high-profile companies, within mining, rail, manufacturing, and infrastructure. She has had the privilege of a variety of roles that range from identification and implementation of multimillion dollar change projects, to coaching mentoring and training staff on improvement methodologies and risk identification. She is currently working for a non for profit within the healthcare sector.

Outside of work, Lauren is a mum to a large, blended family and tries to find time for her passions of dancing and keeping physically active and will look for any excuse to dress up. 

Lauren wishes to use her expertise in risk identification and continuous improvement to give back to her community. She was drawn to the role on the board at POMF: as she has a 10-year-old son, who has a brain tumour. She has seen firsthand the positive impact Peace of Mind Foundation can have on the individual with a brain tumour and their family.

Lauren Inwards