Head to the Hill

Peace of Mind Foundation was proud to join the national brain cancer community at 'Head to the Hill' on 15 November in Canberra. The event was an opportunity to amplify the voice of our patients and loved ones to politicians. Congratulations to Brain Tumour Alliance Australia for initiating this event which will aid in overall awareness and highlight the need to increase funding for support and research.

We intend to keep the conversation going with ongoing advocacy in support of those with brain cancer and continue our work to address challenges in accessing vital supports through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The complexities around access continue to concern our community and we’ll be doing our best to remain proactive and vocal on behalf of our families. This article provides an overview of the current situation.

Brain tumours can bring long-term disability – but some diagnosed are being refused NDIS support (theconversation.com)