Do it For Hugo

National Advocacy Service Manager Fiona Hassmann shares her special bond with Hugo, Brooke and Ollie.

So many of the wonderful people that I’ve had the privilege of working with are in my heart forever. However, when this little man came across my desk with parents who were floundering in an administrative and medical whitewash of pain, there wasn’t one part of me that couldn’t say I held them close from day one – and still do!

Hugo was diagnosed at just 11 weeks old with a rare and aggressive brain tumour which was inoperable and could not be treated with radiation. He endured a gruelling seven months of intensive chemotherapy, something a tiny baby should never have to endure.

The guidance and assistance that is needed to navigate treatment and support when you are emotional often just never get done. What’s more, the navigation around different systems, hours on phone calls and endless paperwork to complete is incredibly difficult when you are in the clinic, hospital, or going through gruelling treatment. Increase the emotional burden, when this is your child. 

My heart and all I had within me, have stayed close to this family from our very first conversation. Little Hugo, with the longest of legs and the broadest of smiles, is just one year old.  Sadly his tumour has progressed, and I now walk alongside Brooke & Ollie as they sadly face the final stages of his disease and make the time count in every moment of every day.

Every parent I work with, and that the National Advocacy Service team work with needs the support we offer.  It is impossible for them to carry this on their own.

Please donate to ensure that other families are supported by our wonderful Foundation and the National Advocacy Service.  Do it for Hugo or do it because you know it’s needed.

My love goes to this family, who in the face of adversity have shown such courage and ability to ensure that Hugo’s life will leave a lasting legacy behind. Their Sunshine Warrior.

Fiona Hassmann

via @my.sunshine.warrior on instagram